Raphael Masterpieces
The School of Athens
The Transfiguration
Sistine Madonna
The Marriage of the Virgin
St. George and the Dragon
The Triumph of Galatea
St. George
The Deposition
Canigiani Holy Family
La Velata
La Fornarina
Three Graces
Vision of a Knight
St. Michael
St. Michael Vanquishing Satan
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
Disputation of the Holy Sacrament
Madonna del Cardellino
Famous Raphael Paintings
Saint Catherine of Alexandria - by Raphael
Saint Catherine of Alexandria - by Raphael
The School of Athens
Sistine Madonna
Self Portrait
La Velata
Portrait of a Young Man
The Marriage of the Virgin
The Triumph of Galatea
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione
Disputation of the Holy Sacrament
The Deposition
Portrait of Bindo Altoviti
Mond Crucifixion
Vision of a Knight
Madonna del Cardellino
St. Michael
Saint George and the Dragon